MANGA: Haru Matsu Bokura (ENG + PL)

Anashin, a shoujo mangaka, presents us HaruMatsu Bokura. The story about Mizuki, a high school girl, who is rather a shy and reserved person. Despite having a kind personality, she is unable to make friends with anyone in her new school. However, something unexpected happens, a boy confesses! Due to this event her life changes rapidly and she becomes a fellow of a basketball team, which members are the most popular boys in the whole school! 
Status: ongoing series

Read in Polish/Również w polskiej wersji <<

EVENT: Pyrkon 2016 !

Pyrkon 2016, czyli impreza dla nerdów pod szyldem "festiwal fantastyki" odbyła się 8-10 kwietnia tego roku na terenie Międzynarodowych Targów Poznańskich. I już po raz trzeci postawiłam tam swoją stopę!